Some of our works has been published on specialistic journals, as well as some interviews that issued Prof. Claudio Modena. In addition, many of our works are reported in presentations of seminars or training courses, which we make available below.

speciale-enea-rischio sismico-2015 Scarica PDF Damage and renovation of historic buildings: the experience in Aquila (Italy) (Published on Enea 09/10 2015)
s-francesco-bridge-in-verona-italy Scarica PDF S. Francesco Bridge across the Adige River in Verona (Italy) (Published on "Strade e Autostrade n°5-2015")
News The Seven Wonders On Sky Arte channel is broadcasted a program about some italian wonders, including Scrovegni's Chapel in Padova and Ducal Palace in Urbino, for which Prof. Claudio Modena and SM Ingegneria designed the restoration and seismic improvement works (News of 05/06/2015 by
Download PDF Mastering the mechanics of the past. A discussion about Preservation Engineering (Published on "Conservation Perspectives, The Getty Conservation Institute, Spring 2015")
Watch VIDEO Interview with Prof. Claudio Modena: Old Bridge (or Alpini's Bridge) in Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza, Italy) (tvavicenza, InFondo transmission of 15/01/2015)
Watch VIDEO Interview with Prof. Claudio Modena: Old Bridge (or Alpini's Bridge) in Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza, Italy) (tvavicenza, InFondo transmission of 21/10/2014)
Download PDF Viadotto Torri di Quartesolo, Autostrada A31 su A4 (Published on "Costruzioni metalliche n°1-2 2013")
Download PDF Ponte sul Fiume Adige tra Terrazzo e Villa Bartolomea (VR) (Published on "Strade e Autostrade n°4-2013")
Download PDF Seismic isolation of Rc prefabricated structures in industrial buildings (2013)
Download PDF Static and seismic retrofit of masonry arch bridges: case studies (2012)
Download PDF Assessment and retrofitting of existing bridges (2012)
Download PDF Analisi e interventi strutturali su edifici in muratura secondo le Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2008 (Presentazione del 05/11/2012 presso Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Pistoia)
Download PDF Il rischio sismico (Presentazione del 09/07/2012 Regione Veneto P.T.R.C.)
Download PDF Costruire in laterizio con isolamento sismico (Presentazione del 08/05/2012, Enea)
Download PDF L’incendio nei cantieri di restauro: i meccanismi di progettazione legati alle strutture dei cantieri molto elevati e gli accorgimenti di prevenzione incendi da rispettare (Presentazione del 27/05/2009 Programma Forum di Prevenzione Incendi 2009)