Chairman and director of SM Ingegneria s.r.l. is Prof. Claudio Modena, born on June 12, 1946 in Sommacampagna (VR), Italy.
Prof. Claudio Modena graduated “summa cum laude” in Civil Engineering from the University of Padua ( in 1970. He received a triennial Research Scholarship from the Ministry of Education and in 1974 he was appointed Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering at Padua University.
Prof. Claudio Modena, now Professor Emeritus, was Full Professor of Structural Engineering and director of the Material Testing Laboratory at the Department of Structural Engineering of University of Padua. He was also a Technical and Scientific Head of SIL – Integrated System of University and Independent Laboratories in Padua
Since 2000 to 2017 Prof. Claudio Modena has held the course of “Structural Problems of Monumental Historical Heritage” in Architectural and Building Engineering and the specializing course of “Historical Constructions Restoration” for Architects and Engineers.
Since 2002 to 2017 he has been a Postgraduate Master Course Director in:
Structural restoration of monuments and historic buildings
Infrastructure design with regard to the accomplishment of the territorial designs
Prof. Claudio Modena has been admitted into the Association of Engineers of Verona, Italy, with no. A830, since 11/03/71. He is also a registered technical tester specialist for constructions, bridges, buildings and special structures.
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