SITE: Schio (Vicenza, Italy)
SERVICES: Site investigation for the characterization of materials, analysis of structural behavior, final an detailed structural design, assistance in supervision of works (2006-2013)
AMOUNT OF WORKS: € 9 millions for total construction, of which € 3,1 millions for structural works

teatro_civico_schio_08The Civic Theatre of Schio, built in 1907, consists of three adjacent buildings (the stage, the audience and “reduced” or foyer), with separate wooden roofs supported by wooden trusses. The part above ground level is composed of load-bearing masonry walls (blocks of stone and brick) with reinforced concrete decks. Around the audience is an interesting structure consisting of reinforced concrete pillars and ribbed slabs. Structural works include seismic improvement, obtained by restoration of the stonework and inserting steel ties rods and cross bracings in the roof slopes planes, reinforcement of the existing wooden roof, restoration and upgrading the load bearing capacity of reinforced concrete structures, by the use of fiber reinforced materials and by the integration of reinforcement bars and finally by the addition of new steel structures for installation and functional requirements. The project involves the creation of a new “graticcia” in correspondence of the stage and of a stretch of flat cover in correspondence with the “reduced”, to accommodate air treatment systems. Upgrading plants also needed the construction of an underground technological central near the building and a technical room below the stage.

GALLERY (Click image to enlarge)